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Updated: Jan 10, 2022

Most people who come to me for the Lomi Lomi Nui massages session never had this experience before. Some of them never experienced any massage before. They don‘t know what to expect. And sometimes when we don‘t know, we are afraid or feel discouraged.

Lomi Lomi Nui, is a very special and „different“ message (that‘s what most of my clients say about it) but it’s also just a holistic, therapeutic, efficient, and extremely relaxing bodywork practice with ancient traditional background. Although each session is unique and different from the others, they all have some structure.Different massage therapists or bodyworkers have a bit different style or protocol, so when you get Lomi Lomi from somebody else, it might look different. Please bear in mind that this is how I do Lomi Lomi Nui.

So, how does Lomi Lomi Nui session with me look like?

When you come, we will start with a short talk. I will offer you some herbal tee and ask you a couple of questions – what you need the most from this massage session? what results are you expected?

I will ask about your health – if you had any injuries, or surgery recently, or if there is anything you want to share with me about your health or life situation? You will have time to ask me questions as well. I will also ask You to think a moment and settle in your mind your intention for this session, like what do you want to release from your body, from your life and what do you want to invite to your body and your life instead. It might be as simple as ‘I just want to relax my tight muscles and feel more with ease in my life’ or as profound as ‘I’m in the life-transforming moment and I need some insights or guidance’. It depends only on you and you don’t have to share this intention with me.

Then I will give you some time in privacy so you can get ready for the session.I Leave in the room I will ask you to think about the intention You settled previously and light a candle. Then to take off all of your clothes and jewelry, put your hair up if it‘s long, lie down on the massage table (on your belly), and cover your body with a pareo/sarong.

During the Lomi Lomi Nui session, your genitals are covered all the time and are not massaged. However, I will ask you to take off your underwear, so I can massage your sides, hips, and gluts. If for any reason, you want to keep your underwear on, it is okay too – in that case, I only recommend that you don‘t wear your favourite undies because they might get oily.

If you can‘t lie on your belly (because, for example, you have some health issues preventing you from lying in this position) I will place you on your side or back.

When you are ready, lying comfortably on a heated massage table, I will come to the room and adjust your position on the table – I will bend your arms and place them next to your body, and rotate your knees and feet a little bit outwards. If you have problems with your, neck, knees, or shoulders, I will make all the necessary adjustments to make sure that you feel comfortable.

After that, I will turn on the music and begin the massage. First I will uncover you, leaving genitals covered with a pareo. I will then apply warm oil on your body and start massaging – usually from the back, moving to the arms and legs. I will be moving your body a lot – bending your legs, stretching and lifting them gently, moving fluently your head, arms, and legs – and you don‘t need to help me in any way, you can just be and breathe.

When I‘m finished massaging your back, I will ask you to turn over:

I will first cover you again with the pareo, then give you a moment to turn, and I will continue massage on the front of your body beginning from your head and shoulders, releasing tensions in this, usually very tight area. And then I will be – again – moving your body a lot, uncovering the parts that I will be massaging – so your arms, legs, abdomen, and chest. Breasts are not massaged in Lomi Lomi Nui, but I will uncover your chest and massage the chest bone and in-between ribs. I will also be doing under-body movements – putting one or two hands under your body and massage your back in this position. Which is extremely pleasant and relaxing and pretty unique.

The last thing I will massage will be your face.

The whole massage will be around 1.5 h or 2h depends on your chosen option and on what will happen during the session. Every massage is unique and sometimes closing the process demands some extra time.

When the massage is finished, I will cover you with a pareo, turn the music down and give you some time just to lie down, observe, and gently coming back, as long as you need. After the massage, I will again give you some time in privacy so you can get dressed and take a shower if you’d like; then we will have a moment to talk if there will be a need for that. I can share with you my insights and answer your questions if some appear during or after the session. And I will offer you heaps of water 🙂 which is very helpful after any kind of bodywork and supports the cleansing process, which began during the massage session.


Updated: Jan 10, 2022

The emotional balance the provides can be just as vital and valuable as its physical benefits.

Do you know, that more than 90 percent of illness results from stress alone?

Decreasing physical and emotional stress is important for improving our health and well-being. A 90-minutes Lomi Lomi Nui session can lower cortisol, a hormone that’s produced in response to stress, by an average of 30 percent. When cortisol levels decline, serotonin — one of the body’s anti-pain mechanisms — increases by an average of 28 percent. By lowering cortisol and increasing serotonin, you are boosting your body’s ability to fight off pain, anxiety, feelings of sadness, and depression. This Hawaiian massage provides a safe and nurturing place for individuals to relax, refocus, and find clarity. It increases awareness of the mind-body connection, and generates confidence, and enhances self-image and self-worth. Safe nurturing touch helps fulfil the need for human contacts, such as the comforting touch we once received at birth. For some, massage is the only caring touch they may receive. Lomi Lomi Nui can be considered as a 1.5 or 2 hour-long hug, providing you with a nurturing safe place to rest physically and emotionally. We provide Lomi Lomi Nui massage for many clients who are living with anxiety and depression, and the day-to-day symptoms those feelings bring. Every one of them finds relief after receiving a 1.5h or 2h massage session of Lomi Lomi Nui, saying they feel more relaxed, calm, and feel a sense of worth. We listen to our clients’ needs, and together, we create a treatment plan that works toward decreasing the symptoms that come with anxiety and depression. If you are one of the many who experience depression or anxiety or are just overloaded with stress, Lomi Lomi Nui can be an effective part of treatment supporting you to create a sense of relief, empowerment, and the mind-body connection.

‘When your body, mind, and emotions are in balance, then your MANA – life-giving energy flows freely and you are able to solve your problems and difficult situations with ease; You become more optimistic, joyful, and ready to act; You just come back to your natural state of well-being, the ALOHA state’

Updated: Jan 10, 2022

People come to us for a massage session once a week, once a month, and sometimes even once in a lifetime. Recently someone of you asked one of us after Lomi Lomi Nui massage session: ‘when should I come next time?’ And the answer was: I do not know. Listen to your body and follow what it needs. We can't to tell you how often you should get a massage. You are the one. Your body will tell you. If you are connected to your body, you will just feel it.

Our experience tells us that it is deeply healing and transforming to get Lomi Lomi Nui two-three times a week (miracles happen then :)).But ultimately, it is always you and your wise body that knows. We have tremendous respect for body wisdom. The best thing we can do for ourselves is to trust that wisdom, to listen to what our bodies want to tell us. Our bodies whisper to us all the time. And it’s really wise to listen to its whispers so that you do not have to hear its screams.

We have been thinking of those of you who feel need a more regular bodywork sessions and we would like to make it more affordable for you. Contact us if you feel the call to get more frequent our bodywork sessions experience, but struggling financially – We are sure that we will find the right solution.

And whatever you do – just always follow these whispers of your wise body.

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